Have your voice heard

What you get from participating in the DEBx Speaker Training Program?

  • Tools and techniques: You will be developed using a wide range of tools and techniques via group sessions, practice sessions, dress rehearsals, and personalized one-on-one coaching. These tools are all you need to develop powerful and compelling Talks over and over again.
  • Extraordinary exposure: You will deliver your message to an anticipated audience of 400+.
  • Valuable footage: The event will be professionally photographed and video recorded, giving access (at a significantly discounted rate) to a Speaker Video, the most essential tool for extending your reach as a new speaker.
  • Courage: This is not for the faint of heart! DEBx’s design is intended to put a spotlight on what is slowing (or stopping) your progress in having your voice be heard. People have experienced new levels of courage and power after delivering their Talk on the DEBx stage, favorably impacting their relationships, businesses, communities and lives overall.
In the DEBx Speaker Development Experience you will be trained to effectively craft your message to deliver to any size audience.
You'll experience new levels of power and self-expression and become part of a community that that will continue to support you long after you step off the stage.